Effective Classroom Games For EFL/ESL Teachers: Which One Is Lucky?

As teachers, we strive not to have boring classes when we teach. We try as hard as we can to spice up our classes with tongue twisters, ice breakers,  funny activities, and games. We believe this is the only thing that can help our students have fun while they engage and learn.

In this post, I would like to share with you one of the games that I have been using with my students for a long time. It is an amazing game and students love it so much.

A short description of the game

The game is really amazing. It can turn your class into a great learning environment. The great thing about this game is that high-achievers can’t dominate the class, because it is based on luck.

To play the game, you need to prepare the content you want your students to revise or review prior to the class.

Before you start the game, you should already :

  • Have the questions prepared.
  • Divide your class into groups.
  • Have a chart like this filled with the symbols (one gun, two guns, heart, three hearts, fire, and bomb) on your desk (this chart will not be shown to your students).  It is up to you to position the items in the chart as you like. 

How to play the game

  • Draw an empty chart like this on the board.

  • Make sure you put numbers on the left side and letters downside.
  • Tell groups they will take turns to answer questions. If they answer a question correctly, they will have to choose a check box by choosing a number and a letter that correspond to the box, ex : (1-b)
  • You will have to tell your students that each check box includes a symbol that they will not be able to see.
  • Tell them the rules, (they are in this chart):

  • Prior to the game, you give students a certain number of points.
  • Draw a table on the board like this that shows the teams’ names.

  • Each round, students will be losing points, sometimes, they get points if they get hearts.
  • the winning team is the one that lasts till the end without losing much. 


I hope you really like this game.

Can you please share the games you use in your class? Is there anything that you don’t understand about this game? Put in comments, and we will respond in due time. 


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