Ten Common Job Interview Questions For Anyone Who Wants To Be a Teacher Of English

Preparing for a job interview is the part that most teacher condidates underestimate and often overlook which makes securing a great job position taugh . Many condidates think it it is easy and as typical as everyday convesations. But, as soon as they sit on the chair, they realize how hard it is. The act of sitting in front of great professionals and educators who observe every single move and judge evey single word is definitely what makes it very difficult.

Here are ten Common job interview questions teacher condidates might encounter. In addition to this, under each question you have glimpses about what to include in your answers. This is to help you understand how interviews take place and ultiamately have a successful experience in the future.

Before reading this, bear in your in mind that:

  • These are common questions but there are exceptions.
  • The glimpses given are very typical. You can use them to form great responses but don’t use them as directions.
  • Don’t lie. Just tell the truth.
  • It’s all about being ‘’well-prepared’’
  • Believe you can do it.

The first question: Can you tell us about yourself?

This is an important question that, most of the time, has an huge impact on your success in the interview. This is like a short commercial about yourself. You have to prepare a well-detailed but summarised ‘’coomercial’’ about yourself and it is a great opportunity to sell yourself to the jury or the job interviewers. Talk about your resume, work experiences, your qualifications, degrees…etc. talk about your strenghts and WHY you applied for that position. Also, try to give them convincing statements from which they can disseminate the most important qualities.

The second question: Imagine this is your first day, how would you prepare your class?

This is an important question. Make sure your response is very comprehensive. You have to show them how well you will manage the class. Talk about your philosophy of teaching, give glimpses on teaching and learning approaches, materials, lesson planning, textbook organization, ice breakers, activities….etc. As a teacher, you should be excited about this question. You should take your time to say all you know and can do. They are probably counting the items you give. So, try to give as many things as possible.

The third question: As a teacher, will you motivate parents to be a part of their child’s education and how will you do that?

The most important thing to include in your answer is parental involvment and how you will promote a great parent-teacher-student relationship. Talk about the things parents at home can do to help their kids learn at school. You have to show to the committee that you are able to coach parents on how they can help their kids succeed academically.

The fourth question: are you a resilient teacher?

Resilience means flexibility. If you are not a resilient teacher, just go back. You will have to reconsider why you want to apply for that job. Teaching is one of taughest jobs in the whole world and resilience is one thing you definitely need. Your response should include your ability to deal with a large number of students, students from different social backgrounds, different learning styles, multiple intelligences, learning disabilities, differences, high achievers and low achievers …etc.

The fifth question: What is that aspect of students’ education you found or think is the most difficult?

Based on your previous work experience, you should be able to explain that aspect in details. You should give examples and alternative solutions. Make sure the judges are convinced of how you can deal with such problem.

The sixth question: What techniques do you use to assess students?

Show your knowledge of educational assessment and evaluation. The latter is an important part of the teaching-learning process.so, they will certainly ask you about it. Make sure you show them you are familiar with the basics of assessment, use different techniques and focus on the technique you use and why you use it.

The seventh question: Do you enjoy teaching?

Here, they want to see if you are really passionate about teaching or not. So, try as hard as you can to show your motivation, energy, passion and readiness to teach. Talk about the things you really enjoy during teaching and you can always draw on past experiences as examples.

The eighth question:  This question might come in two ways: What can you say about our educational system? What is going on in education today?

Your responses should include your focus on your educational system or language program, and talk about the strengths and the challenges. Try to show them you are aware of what is going on. What’s more, tell them about the importance of integrating technology and how the latter changed education in recent years. Show them you are a digital literate and you can use technology in your classroom in many effective ways.

The ninth question: What is your class management plan?

Your plan should be comprehensive including class environment, the way of managing space, learning, time and behavior.  This should also include what to do in irregular circumstances. A well-detailed plan will reflect your readiness and experience. Everthing is about planning. So, make sure you  have a plan.

The tenth question: How would you contribute to your teaching community?

This is one of the questions you will have to expect at the end of any interview. The committe will always want to see if you are the kind of people who are creative, hard working, and continuous learners. Teaching is not only about the classroom. Make sure to include in your response that you are ready to share knowledge and experience with your peers, ready for professional development intiatives, ready to conduct action research, ready to attend seminars, workshops, conferences and ready to grow professionally. 


This is a list of questions that are asked in job interviews most of the time. The committee may not ask you these questions literally. They may give you similar ones but in a different way. 

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Have  a great day edutopians


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