Expressing Bad and Good News in English (English Speaking Lessons)

EFL/ESL English Speaking Lessons

Expressing bad and good news in English 

Expressing bad and good news is actually part of our life. Part of our daily conversations is listening to and responding to other people. When we talk with people, we get news. This news is sometimes bad or good. Yet, we have to respond to it. There are many expressions we can use. But, these are the most common ones.

Giving good news

  • I’m so happy to tell you this,
  • I’m very pleased to tell you.
  • Did you know that….?
  • I have some excellent news for you
  • I’m so glad to tell you …
  • I’m so glad to inform you that …

Responding to the good news

  • Sounds great!
  • Great news!
  • Really!
  • Incredible!
  • Superb!
  • That is amazing!
  • Are you kidding!
  • That is so wonderful!
  • I’m so glad to hear that!

Giving bad news

  • I’m so sorry to say this, but..
  • I really feel so bad to say this, but…
  • I’m afraid I have some bad news…
  • Some bad news for you…
  • I’m sad to tell you this…
  • I’m unhappy to state this …

Responding to bad  news

  • I’m so sorry to hear that!
  • Oh, my God!
  • Oh my goodness!
  • I’m terribly sorry to hear that!
  • Unfortunately!

Examples of expressing good and bad news in English 

  • A: I’m so happy to tell you that I have succeeded in the TOEFL exam
  • B: I’m so happy to hear that!. Well-done.
  • A: did you hear the latest news?
  • B: what?
  • A: they are going to build a new gym in the neighborhood
  • B: Wow, wonderful news!
  • A: I’m so terribly sorry to inform you that your grandmother has died in a car accident.
  • B: Oh, my god!


Express news

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