Vocabulary related to Moroccan Cultural Heritage

Basic English Vocabulary (ESL & EFL Vocab)

Vocabulary related to Moroccan Cultural Heritage 

Morocco is definitely a great country. If people come to Morocco, they will be amazed by how diverse it is.  The uniqueness of Morocco lies in a healthy climate and beautiful scenery. There are many amazing historical monuments that make up a great deal of Moroccan culture and history. This is evident across the whole country, with walled medinas, Kasbahs, palaces, traditional Berber houses. Some of these places were acknowledged by UNESCO as World Heritage Sites.



Historical monuments and architecture

Food, clothing, and customsArts and craftsGeography and landscape
VolubilisMint teaCarpet makingOasis
Bab MansourMoroccan CouscousPottery ceramicsDunes
El MenaraFishHorse ridingHercules cave
Hassan towerOrangesFolklorePorts
Ait hdidou palaceHassani clothingCarpet makingForests
Hassan 2 mosqueMoroccan traditional clothingPottery ceramicsDeserts
Berber traditional clothingMountains



Vocabulary items

Volubilis An ancient city built by the Romans. It is situated near Meknes.


Historical monuments An ancient building or a statue that was built to remind people of a famous person or a place.


Customs A way of behaving or a belief that has been established for a long time.


Carpet making A carpet is a shaped piece of a thick material that covers the ground.


Pottery The activity of producing and making clay objects using hands. An example is a teapot.


Ceramics The objects that are made of clay. They usually take different shapes and colors.


Hercules cave An archeological cave located in Cape Spartel, Morocco. It is situated approximately 15 Km. west of Tangier. It is considered a destination for many tourists.
Folklore The traditional stories and culture of a group of people. It includes stories, ways of celebrating… etc.


Palace A huge house that is the official home of a king, queen, or other people of high social rank


Oasis A place in the desert where there is water and where plants and trees grow.


Culture The way a group of people lives. It refers to how their lifestyle, ways of dressing, food, customs, traditions, celebrations…etc.


Tradition A certain belief, principle, or way of acting that people in a particular society or group have continued to follow for a long time.
































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