Vocabulary related to Health and Health Problems

Basic English Vocabulary (ESL&EFL Vocab)

Vocabulary related to Health and Health Problems 



The state of being free from diseases.
Illness, sickness, or diseaseA health problem affecting the body or the mind.
Healthcare The medical care that people of a society are provided.
Health problems  Any physical or mental problem that a person suffers from.
Fever A health problem that a person suffers from when their body’s temperature is higher than normal.
Stomach ache It is the pain that people feel in their stomachs (abdomens).
Headache The pain that people in their heads
Backache The pain that people feel in their heads
Cold A health problem that affects the respiratory system. It has many symptoms such as the runny nose, cough, fever… etc.
Cough A health problem that makes people cough “get the air out of their lungs rapidly”
Sore muscle The pain that people feel in their muscles when they are so tired, carry something very heavy, or when they exercise a lot.
Sore throat The pain that people feel in their throats when they have a cold or a cough.
Sore eye The pain that people in their eyes.


Ways of saying you are sick:

I have got a sore…She has got a ..acheI have got a pain in my…





..stomach ache





Other ways of saying I’m sick:

  • I’m ill.
  • She is very sick.
  • I’m on my last legs.
  • I feel really rough.


Ways to say you are feeling great.

  • I feel great
  • I feel good
  • I’m OK
  • I’m a picture of good health.


Health advice:

  • I advise you to practice sports regularly.
  • You should eat healthy food.
  • You should brush your teeth every day.
  • I advise you to sleep early.
  • You should have a regular medical check-up.
  • I advise you not to stress yourself.
  • You should go on a diet.



Types of medicine

  • Bandage
  • Syringe
  • Dose
  • Drugs
  • Eye drops
  • Syrup
  •  Injection
  • Pill
  • Tablet


  •  Check-up
  • Diagnosis
  • Operation / surgery
  • Prescription




A doctor who studies and treats the diseases of the eye.


A person whose job is to take care of people’s teeth.
Doctor A person whose job is to treat people who are sick.

Practitioner (GP)


A doctor who is trained in general medicine and whose job is to treat people in a local community rather than in a hospital.


A person, especially a woman, who is trained to help women give birth to babies.


A person whose job is to take care of patients and sick people.
PatientA person who is sick or someone who is receiving medical treatment.



A person who is specialized at something.


A doctor who is trained to perform the surgery.


  •  Hospital
  • Surgery
  • Waiting room
  • Pharmacy

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