The use of phrasal verbs in English – A list of common phrasal verbs

The most commonly used phrasal verbs in English language classrooms

A phrasal verb is a combination of words (a verb + a preposition or verb + adverb). When used together, phrasal verbs’ meanings are, most of the time, different from the original verbs.

When we use a certain phrasal verb, we use it like normal verbs in a sentence, regardless if it’s a regular or irregular verb.


  • My car broke down yesterday out of the city.
  • The teacher asked the student to get out of the classroom.
  • My sister came across our uncle in the street.

The following table includes the most popular phrasal verbs in English

The phrasal verbs

The meaning(s)

Ask out

Bring about

Bring up

Call back

Call in

Call off

Call on

Call up

Catch up (with)

Check in

Check into

Check out

Cheer up

Clean up

Come across

Cut out

Do over

Drop by

Drop in

Drop off

Drop out

Figure out

Fill out

Find out

Get along

Get back

Get into

Get off

Get on

Get out of

Get over

Get through

Get up

Give back

Give up

Go over

Grow up

Hand in

Hand out

Hang up

Have on

Keep out

Keep up (with)


Ask someone out on a date


Raise children/mention a topic

Return a phone call

Summon to an activity or a job


Visit/ask a student in class

Call on the telephone

Reach the same level as someone

Register at a hotel


Borrow a book from a library/investigate

To feel happy

Make clean and orderly

Find accidentally

Stop an annoying activity


Visit informally

Visit informally

Leave someone/something somewhere

Leave school

Find an answer by logic

Complete a form


Have a good relationship with

Return from somewhere


Leave a vehicle

Enter a vehicle

Leave a place/avoid an unpleasant activity

Recover from illness


Wake up

Return something to someone


Review or check

Become an adult

Submit an assignment


Stop a telephone conversation


Stay outside

Stay at the place/level


The phrasal verbs

The meaning(s)

Kick out (of)

Look after

Look into

Look out (for)

Look over

Look up

Make up

Name after

Pass away

Pass out

Pick out

Pick up

Point out

Put away

Put back

Put off

Put on

Put out

Put up with

Run into

Run across

Run out of

Show up

Shut off

Take after

Take off

Take out

Take over

Take up

Tear down

Tear up

Think over

Throw away

Throw up

Try on

Turn down

Turn on

Turn up

Turn off

Turn in

Turn out 

Wash up


Force someone to leave

Take care of


Be careful about/protect

Review or check

Look for the meaning of a word ina dictionary

Invest/do past work

Give a baby someone’s name


Lose consciousness


Get something

Mention/call someone’s attention to

Remove to another place

Return to an original place



Extinguish fire/ a cigarette …


Meet by chance

Find by chance

Finish supply of something


Stop a machine


Remove clothes/leave the ground (airplane)

Take someone on a date


Start a new activity

Demolish/reduce to nothing

Tear into many little pieces


Discard/ get rid of


Put on clothes to see if it fits

Decrease the volume/reject

Switch on

Increase the volume

Switch off

Submit school work

Extinguish a light

Wash one’s face or clothes




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