10 Engaging Icebreakers to Energize Your Virtual Classroom

10 Engaging Icebreakers to Energize Your Virtual Classroom

Engaging students online can be tough, but using icebreakers can help create a welcoming class environment. You can kick off each virtual session with an icebreaker or use one when the class energy dips.

At Engageli, we know how crucial it is to start on the right foot. That’s why we’ve curated a list of top icebreaker activities specifically designed for online student engagement.

Top Icebreakers for Online Learning:

1. This or That

  • How It Works: Start your session with a series of poll questions that offer two choices, whether they’re words or images. These can be fun (like “Cats or Dogs?”) or related to the course material. Divide your learners into small groups to discuss their choices and reasons.
  • Why It’s Effective: This activity lightens the mood and encourages conversation. Discussing poll results and reasoning can lead to engaging debates and give insights into your learners’ personalities.
  • Additional Pair Ideas:
    • Lifestyle Choices: Board games vs. card games? Physical books vs. ebooks?
    • Food Preferences: Pancakes vs. waffles? Tacos vs. wings?
    • Technology: New phone vs. new laptop? TV series vs. movies?

2. Two Truths and a Lie

  • How It Works: Each learner shares three statements about themselves: two true and one false. The rest of the class guesses which statement is the lie. Challenge students to make their truths surprising!
  • Why It’s Effective: This classic game fosters laughter, surprise, and creative thinking. It helps students learn intriguing facts about each other and builds personal connections.

3. Meta-Icebreaker


  • How It Works: Split learners into small groups and ask them, “What’s the best icebreaker you’ve experienced and why?” After 5 minutes of discussion, have a representative from each group share their findings with the class.
  • Why It’s Effective: This activity sparks conversation and provides new icebreaker ideas while helping you understand what engages your class.

4. Virtual Background Challenge

  • How It Works: Have learners set a virtual background related to a theme like their favorite vacation spot or dream destination. They can share the story behind their background when they join.
  • Why It’s Effective: The visual element of this icebreaker makes it memorable. Sharing backgrounds can lead to discussions about shared interests and experiences.

5. Joyful Items

  1. How It Works: Turn off cameras and mics, then have learners find an item in their space that brings them joy or has a special story. After two minutes, they can share their item and its story with a partner. Later, open the floor for anyone who wants to share with the entire class.Why It’s Effective: This exercise adds a personal touch to the virtual classroom and allows learners to connect on a deeper level. It creates a safe space for sharing personal stories.

6. Speed Networking

  • How It Works: Pair learners for brief, timed conversations on predefined topics or personal interests. Rotate pairs to allow learners to meet multiple classmates.Why It’s Effective: This format helps students connect with many peers quickly, fostering community and discovering common interests.

7. Share Your Expertise

  1. How It Works: Ask learners, “What’s something you could talk about for 30 minutes without preparation?” Have them write their topic on a sticky note and add it to a virtual whiteboard.Why It’s Effective: This icebreaker helps learners reflect on their interests and skills, building community and offering opportunities for public speaking on comfortable topics.

8. Mood Meter Check-In

  • How It Works: Start each class by having learners check in with their mood using emojis or text. This helps you gauge the group’s emotional state.
  • Why It’s Effective: This activity builds a supportive environment and helps you stay tuned to your class’s feelings.

9. Collaborative Brainstorming Session

  • How It Works: Give learners 5 minutes to think about a topic independently, then gather everyone around a virtual whiteboard to share their ideas. Use these ideas to start a discussion and plan next steps.
  • Why It’s Effective: This activity encourages collaborative thinking and creativity, perfect for in-depth discussions and student-led solutions.

10. Virtual Scavenger Hunt

  • How It Works: Create a list of items for learners to find in their homes, from common objects to quirky ones. Set a timer and have them share their finds on camera.
  • Why It’s Effective: This lively activity adds an element of competition and fun, energizing the class and offering insights into your learners’ personalities.

Incorporating these icebreakers into your virtual classrooms will help build a connected, engaged, and collaborative learning environment. Remember, the key is to be inclusive, encouraging, and, most importantly, have fun!

Happy teaching!


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