5 Modern Paraphrasing Tools For Students To Improve Their English Writing Skills

5 Modern Paraphrasing Tools To Improve Students’ English Writing Skills

Students do all they can to improve their writing skills. So, how about a quality paraphrasing tool?

Today’s students have way more challenges than students did in bygone eras. Today, they have to deal with plagiarism, content tones, and a variety of other things that require outstanding writing skills. This article will explore a few tools that’ll make it easier for students to develop these skills. So, let’s get started.

What Is A Paraphrasing Tool?

Paraphrasing is a way of restating someone else’s words to make them clear, concise, and understandable. It is important for writers to paraphrase with a citation because it gives credit to the original author.

However, the purpose of a paraphrasing tool is to make this process easier for the writer. By using a blend of AI and another tech, modern paraphrasing tools can help a writer in many ways.

There are many tools that can help you with paraphrasing. These tools can be used for various purposes, like rephrasing sentences in your work or making sure that you are not plagiarizing someone else’s work.

5 Paraphrasing Tools To Consider

In this section, we’ll explore the five best paraphrasing tools that are available today. Therefore, without further ado, let’s get started.

1.     Prepostseo

Prepostseo has become one of the leading names in tool providers for writers, and their paraphrasing tool is at the frontline. This paraphraser is filled with great options and convenience for writers. Especially those who are looking for a swift and extensive solution.

5 Modern Paraphrasing Tools For Students To Improve Their English Writing Skills

Allowing you to rephrase 1000-words at a time, this remarkable tool has all the key ingredients a student needs to improve their writing skills. To sum it up, what it offers includes:

  • The ability to rephrase one-thousand words;
  • Rephase your content in three different content tones—four if using a paid account;
  • Upload methods through the computer or Google Drive;
  • Supports a variety of languages;
  • Exclude keywords, subjects, or topics to avoid paraphrasing them;
  • Rephrase very quickly to save time.

The tool uses an advanced blend of AI and other algorithms to rephrase the content that you put into it. Therefore, it doesn’t only save time but also regenerates outstanding quality of content. Making this paraphraser the best pick on this list.

2.     Paraphraser

Paraphraser.io is one of the leading names in paraphrasing today, and there’s a good reason behind that. Our second pick of the day isn’t just a remarkable rephrasing tool; it’s also ideal for helping students improve their writing skills.

5 Modern Paraphrasing Tools For Students To Improve Their English Writing Skills

First off, it offers a simple and intriguing UI design, which is easy for students in any grade or standard. Then, it offers two content modes, which allows them to understand two of the key content tones; standard and fluent.

Besides that, it allows one to rewrite around 500-words at a time, making it a remarkable option and something extensive. Now, many would think that offering only 500-words is a bit of a letdown.

It’s not, as some major tools offer only 100-150 words at a time, and their content looks unnatural, forced, and robotic. Whereas the content you rewrite using this paraphrasing tool online stands out as genuine and human-like.

This factor alone is what makes this a remarkable choice for students. Not only because of its outstanding paraphrasing abilities but also because of its ability to show you how to write great content.

3.     ParaphraseOnline

ParaphraseOnline.io is another intriguing and outstanding option on this list. This tool takes a different approach to paraphrase, making this a remarkable option to rephrase online. First off, let’s talk about the design of this tool, as you can see here:

5 Modern Paraphrasing Tools For Students To Improve Their English Writing Skills

It’s not only an intriguing design but also something very productive. This factor alone puts it on the top of many lists about paraphrasing tools. But let’s analyze the four modes that it offers:

  • Word changer allows you to pick the best synonyms to improve your content;
  • Sentence rephraser would alter each sentence for better flow, content voice, and quality;
  • Paraphrase text mode will rephrase your entire content to avoid duplicity or plagiarism;
  • Text improver will do whatever it takes to make your content better.

In other words, the last mode is ideal for helping you turn your content from passive voice to active and use better words and flow to describe something. This alone makes this rephraser a great option for students, as it can show them just how to write content.

Therefore, it’s the ability to rewrite 1000+ words and all these great options put ParaphraseOnline.io at number three on our list.

4.     EduBirdie

EduBirdie’s paraphrasing tool is another intriguing option. Albeit it may not have many great options, it’s still a viable tool to help students paraphrase their content and improve their writing skills. The first reason behind that is the tool’s simplicity and quick ability to rewrite content.

5 Modern Paraphrasing Tools For Students To Improve Their English Writing Skills

And, as the tool itself mentions, it’s ideal for paraphrasing essays. Therefore, a student can use it to rephrase their essays and learn the technique of paraphrasing the correct way.

5.     RewriterTools

RewriterTools’ Paraphrasing tool is another great option, but something that doesn’t offer many choices. The tool takes a unique approach, and instead of paraphrasing, it offers you suggestions that you might make.

This factor makes it a great tool, as it improves the learning curve. Therefore, a student can pick the content that they like the most. In the process, it elevates their writing skills and improves their decision-making abilities.


These are the five best modern paraphrasing tools that a student can use today. Not only do these tools offer remarkable options, but they are ideal for helping you rephrase your content to viable extents. Therefore, make sure you pick one of these to rephrase your content next time.


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